Amazon Alexa Quiz

Amazon Alexa Quiz

This quiz is over the Amazon Alexa lesson. This being the first quiz, there are a few things to understand as you move forward throughout the course.

For all quizzes and the final exam, you must receive 100% in order to continue. All lesson and topic quizzes will allow you to retake them as many times as you need to get the 100%. The final exam, however, will only allow you to take it ONE time.

The final exam will consist of the questions from all the previous quizzes. So if you pay attention and actually learn the material, you should not be surprised with any of the questions on the final exam, as you will have seen them before throughout the course.

One final note. All the quizzes – and the final exam – have the questions and the answers re-ordered every time they are taken. Not just when you re-take one, but each and every time anyone takes one.

So a good habit to get into is:


Learn the answers to the questions. You do that by reading and paying attention, watching and listening to the videos, and asking others for help when you don’t understand something. 


Memorize the order of the questions and correct answers. There is no “master answer key” to any of the quizzes and final exam. The answer to Question 1 on the final exam may be “c” when you take it, but it will most likely be different when your buddy takes it (and even when you take it again).