How will offices receive the CSAT scores?

  • Offices can see their CSAT scores within the CSAT Tableau workbook. This has now been updated to include the email specific responses.

Where can I see the feedback that customers leave?

  • Within the Work Order Details tab in the CSAT workbook are two feedback columns, Overall Feedback and Technician Feedback. Technician Feedback is asked following the Refer Tech question, and the Overall Feedback is asked at the very end of the survey. 

Why are the scales presented in a positive to negative order vs. negative to positive?

  • Results show that over 60% of our customers complete the survey on a mobile device. Because of this, we optimize the survey display to be mobile friendly. Lastly, since we receive positive reviews from many of our customers, we display them first.

Why is Refer Tech displayed first?

  • The Refer Tech question is displayed first since it is a key metric for our business. Furthermore, having this question first will not allow the questions that follow to change the customer’s opinion regarding the technician or appointment.

How is the survey translated between English and Spanish?

  • The initial survey invite is sent in either English or Spanish, based on the customer’s preferred billing language. Customers can also toggle between English and Spanish within the survey. Additional languages will be incorporated throughout the year.

Why are we using verbiage vs. a numeric scale?

  • To simplify the survey for the customer, having written descriptions regarding their satisfaction levels makes it easier to understand and select a response. 

Why aren’t the SHS and DISH Protect questions scored into the overall CSAT?

  • Questions specific to the technician and work performed are what’s scored. Since SHS and Dish Protect are not mandatory for appointments, these are not calculated into the overall CSAT score. These questions will enable us to review our current product lineup and ensure customers are satisfied with the products and services.

Are reminders sent if the customer doesn’t respond to the email survey?

  • Yes, a reminder is sent 24 hours after the initial email invite if the customer has not begun the survey. 

How long is the survey available for?

  • The survey is available for three days, or 72 hours. After 72 hours the survey will be inaccessible. 

What happens if the customer selects “No, someone else was home”

  • The survey will terminate and the information will not be collected.

Can a survey be taken more than once?

  • No, the survey can only be taken once. 

Are all questions required to have a response?

  • Only the Refer Tech question requires a response before moving on. The rest of the questions the customer can skip over. Questions that are skipped will not be calculated into the overall score.